Saturday, June 4, 2011


I love sleep. A little too much, actually. I could probably fall asleep anytime, anywhere, on just about any surface. If I layed my head on this computer desk, I'd probably doze off within a few minutes. I have perpetual daytime drowsiness. I snore...sometimes waking myself up. So, I finally decided to consult with my doctor and ask about getting a sleep study.

She had me complete the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. They give you about 8 or 9 scenarios like sitting reading a book, watching TV, being a passenger in a car ride for an hour, etc., and you have to rate your likelihood to doze off from 0-3, 0 being no likelihood of dozing off, and 3 being the highest likelihood. When I started scoring myself, it really put it all into perspective. I told the doctor, "Wow, this is going to be really high." When I got home, I looked up the scoring system on line. If your score is above 9, you should see a sleep specialist. My score? 17. Yep, that's right. One Seven. Geez.


I have a sleep study scheduled for June 27th. I'm sure that I have obstructive sleep apnea, which means I'll get a CPAP machine. I'm not really thrilled about having to wear that contraption at night, but I AM thrilled at the prospect of having a normal night's sleep and not being so sleepy all the time.

1 comment:

michelle said...

That's a bummer. The whole being sleepy all the time thing stinks!!! I remember, a LONG time ago, when I switched from morning news to evening news (for just a few months). I was standing in line at the grocery store one afternoon and was shocked that I DIDN'T feel like I could fall asleep in the middle of it all. I've been there, and it stinks. I hope that obnoxious CPAP machine gives you restful sleep!