Saturday, June 4, 2011

Recital Pictures

She HATES this costume, but I think it's adorable. They are doing a tap dance to a Stevie Wonder song, I think.

What little girl doesn't love pink tutus...and HOT PINK tutus, too!

We went and had photos taken in recital costumes today. The girls were photographed by a professional, but I grabbed a few shots of my own. I didn't notice until Sydney pointed out that Mia had a major make-up line on her forehead. She put on her own make-up and she used my foundation and my complexion is lighter than hers. Consequently I had to edit the photos a little bit to make it less obvious. Now that I look at them on here, it doesn't look like I was successful. Oh well, lesson learned. I'll get better pictures on show night. Just wanted you to get the idea of the costumes.


Miss Jeanne (owner/instructor) told me today that she feels this will be the best show EVER. She's very excited about all the routines and the ballet. I can't believe it's 2 weeks from today!

1 comment:

michelle said...

I LOVE the costumes!!! Mia looks adorable in both!