Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wouldn't you know it would be the hottest day of the summer thus far for Thomas' last two 7 v. 7 soccer games? It was 100 degrees when we left Ashland for the soccer plex in JC. He had been hydrating all day and played well both games, scoring a goal in the first game. The team did a great job despite the heat, AND the fact that we played high school boys.

Mia and I sat with ice cold washcloths around our necks from the cooler I brought and we each had our own umbrella to keep the direct sun off of us, which made it bearable at least. Needless to say, we were happy to come home and get in the pool.

I took Sydney to Boone Convenient Care yesterday after she woke up two mornings in a row with a swollen, painful left eye. Yesterday morning she woke up crying with it. I figured it was a sty, but thought we better get it checked out. Turns out it was a sty and they gave her antibiotics for it. It's better today.

She was being silly with text messages as she was waiting in the exam room, while I was waiting in the waiting room. The other people in the waiting room must have thought I was nuts as I quietly giggled at:
"I have 3 weeks to live."

"I have colon cancer. Cancer of the colon."

And my personal favorite:

"I'm getting a prostate screening."

What a nut! At least it helped pass the time.

Of course, we had to stop at DQ for blizzards afterwards. You NEED ice cream after a prostate screening.
Did I mention I took my daughter to the doctor for a STY!?!?!?

1 comment:

michelle said...

Sydney is funny. I love those texts. Those are blizzard worthy, for sure.