Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kids' trip to the Grand Canyon

This photo doesn't scare me. No, doesn't. Not at all. :/

Petrified forest.

My beautiful girls.

This photo doesn't scare me either. No, really, I'm okay with it.

They got back last night at about 7 or so. I was able to time dinner just perfectly and had grilled pork steaks nearly ready for them when they got home. Sounds like they had a great time. Mia was talking a mile a minute. :) I'm so glad they got to see all there was to see out west, but it's so good to have them home.

I think they now have a new "appreciation" for mid western humidity. They each commented on how comfortable it was in the Arizona in the heat, because it was so dry. Mia said they got out of the van in Oklahoma on the way home and "OH MY GOSH MOM, it was SO humid!"

Sydney did a fantastic job with photography, so I could live vicariously through photos. She even used the timer on the camera to take a few photos of all four of them. Good job, Syd!

1 comment:

michelle said...

Sydney did a great job capturing all the memories for you! Great photos. Okay, seriously, the one of Mia on the edge of the canyon made ME sick to my stomach! I don't know how you can stand to look at it!!! Ugh, I'd be a nervous wreck!