Monday, May 31, 2010

School's Out!

School is officially out for the summer. I can't believe that now I have a freshman and a middle-schooler. These photos are from the last day of school concert/awards assembly at the elementary school.
Thursday night the kids packed up their bags and then bright and early Friday morning Warren picked them up and they were off for their vacation to the Grand Canyon. I can't say I envy the loooong drive, but I know they will enjoy all there is to see out there. I just got a text message from Sydney saying they were at the Grand Canyon and then shortly thereafter I got one from Thomas that simply said, "WOOOOOOOOOT!!!"
Sydney is in charge of vacation photography. I can't wait to see the pictures. I made her promise to get lots of photos with all three kids in them, and not just "scenic" photos. She assures me that she will.
I miss the kids, but I'm sure enjoying the quiet house. I didn't even turn on the TV until last night when I decided to get a PPV movie. I watched "Dear John." Pretty good. Totally a chick flick.
I was supposed to work today, but the phone rang at 5:10AM, offering me the option to stay home. I took it! I'll regret not getting the time and a half pay, but being off today makes for a 4 day off stretch.

1 comment:

michelle said...

You totally needed Monday off!!! Good for you! I hope you're reading and relaxing and napping and enjoying a quiet and non-messy house. You'll be ready for the kids to come home, but enjoy the peace!!!