Last night Thomas officiated his first soccer game. He did a great job, though he was a little timid with his whistle. (I probably would be, too.) He officiated a 1st and 2nd grade boys game.

He said that at one point, out of habit, when the ball got kicked toward him, he almost kicked it. :-)

Today I'm home with a SICK little girl. Poor thing has a high fever. I win Mother of the Year, too...I don't have a thermometer to know just how high it is. Probably better that way. School called yesterday at about 2 or so. She was in the nurse's office, complaining of a headache and her temperature was 100.2. Picked her up and put her straight to bed. Today she's just pitiful. Can't sit up without getting dizzy, not wanting to eat, though I am able to get her to drink water. Moved her into my bed just a little bit ago. When I called the elementary school this morning to report her absence, the secretary said Mia's teacher and 3 classmates were home with the same thing. H1N1? Who knows. Probably. Thomas came in from soccer last night and said, "How are all my swine flu peeps?"
I was home sick yesterday from work. I'm NEVER sick. Oh, occassionally I'll get a cold or a stuffy head, but when I call in sick to work, it's always because the kids are sick. So at 1AM when I woke up with the worst stomach ache of my life, and soon began throwing up, I knew this was serious stuff. I was "this close" to waking Sydney up and having her take me to the ER....I thought I was dying. It luckily was short-lived.
Great news! I booked another wedding! The couple that I posted engagement photos of in August, Nathan and Lisa, have asked me to shoot their wedding. I'm excited! Wedding number 4!! It's on December 19th at Christian Chapel, with reception at Stoney Creek Inn.
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