Friday, July 1, 2011

Failed.... sleep study with flying colors!! Monday night I spent the night at the sleep lab at the hospital. I was hooked up to so many wires and monitors that I looked like something out of a sci-fi movie.
The folks at the sleep lab are so nice and made sure I was made comfortable. They fitted me with a CPAP mask beforehand, and turned it on so I could see what it felt like, so that if I met the criteria for the institution of CPAP, I'd already be fitted and they could just wake me up and put it on me. They explained that there are criteria that have to be met before they use the CPAP, and I was pretty sure I'd meet those criteria.
I settled into bed, lights out, at a little before 11. Wouldn't you know, someone who has excessive sleepiness had trouble falling asleep! I'm not sure what time I finally fell asleep, but they came in and put the CPAP machine on me at 3:00 AM. I'm pretty sure I was still awake at 1230 or so, so I met the criteria in 2 1/2 hours!
The next morning I asked the tech what she could tell me about the study. She was able to tell me that I had about 30 "events" per hour. They weren't apneas, where you stop breathing all together, but they were what are called hypopneas, were I was taking very shallow, infrequent breaths, and LOTS of snoring. She said I never got into REM sleep until they put me on CPAP. My sleeping efficiency score was 74% without anything, and 97% with the CPAP. So that explains why I'm so drowsy all the time!
So, I'm getting a CPAP machine, and honestly, I can't wait to get it!! I'm looking forward to feeling rested and AWAKE during the day! Problem is, I have to go to St. Louis to get it. That's the only way I can get my co-pay and deductible waived and for there to be no out-of-pocket expense. I know....sounds crazy, but that's insurance companies for you.

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