Monday, June 21, 2010

Show Day

I'm including some photos of the Columbia Acro and Tumbling Team, who also performed at the show.

Sydney's lyrical group did a beautiful job. I've said it before, but I could watch Sydney dance for hours. She literally takes my breath away, and I can't take my eyes off of her. Her little sister is quickly becoming a lovely dancer as well.

This tap number was the crowd pleaser of the evening. It included a "fan" formation where they all joined arms and rotated in a huge fan formation, then broke it apart, then rejoined. It also had a kick line. The girls did a fantastic job and the crowd really loved it.

This is Hannah, my niece. She danced at CDA when she was 4, and this was her first year back since then. Great job, Hannah!

A beautiful ballet number. Loved it!!

  • Sydney and her friend Kelly choreographed and danced a duet.

Mia right after the show.

The girls with their dad.

Me and my beautiful girls.

Hannah, Sydney and Mia with their grandparents. (Warren's mom and dad)

After the show we kept up our yearly tradition with a trip to IHop. Hannah and her mom met up with the me and the girls.
I'm sad that the show is over, but am looking forward to next year.

1 comment:

michelle said...

I'd never really thought it before... but I can see the resemblance between Sydney and Mia... I guess it was there all along, but with their hair pulled back, and Mia looking older now, they really look alike!!! Beautiful girls!