Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dress Rehearsal

I love this time of year. Recital time! It's right around the corner, 2 weeks from Saturday. Tonight was dress rehearsal. The girls looked great!

Mia's class is doing two performances. One is a classical ballet piece. Don't ask me the name of the song.

They are also doing a tap routine, a salute to the military. It looks great and has lots of formations, etc.

I didn't get any photos of Sydney in her lyrical costume. I did get a few as they were rehearsing. She left home this afternoon to meet Kelli, the girl in the green shirt, at the studio. They are doing a duo together. I think they met at around 2:00 or so, and when I took Mia at 5:30, Sydney's lyrical class was rehearsing. I think she put in about 6 or 7 hours of studio time today. I heard her say, "I don't EVEN want to see the blisters on my feet." The photo above isn't part of their lyrical.....Sydney was just being silly before the music started.

Graceful and beautiful as always.

She got her hair cut yesterday and I LOVE it. It's so cute. This photo doesn't do it justice. This was taken well into rehearsal. She styled it really cute before she left today. Her hair hasn't been this short since elementary school.

1 comment:

michelle said...

Syd's hair is cute... of course she's so pretty she could be bald and it wouldn't matter. I LOVE Mia's ballet costume- beautiful!