Sunday, May 9, 2010

Stoney Creek Inn and Mothers Day

Thomas' birthday celebration at Stoney Creek was a success. We arrived at around 5PM and the first thing the boys did was hook up the Xbox and start playing. The other boys had brought extra controllers, so they were all able to play at the same time.

Our room was awesome. King size bed, bunk bed (twin over full size), and a pull out couch. Plenty of sleeping room. Very cozy and homey.

Once they had an Xbox fix, they headed down to the pool and hot tub.

For those who have never been there, this pool is really cool. Those blue flaps behind Thomas divide the inside from the outside, so part of the pool is outside. Just swim under the flaps and you're outside!

After swimming, they were starving so we went to Pizza Hut. Sydney and Delora met us there. We ended up having a whole pizza left over, so we ran it over to the hospital and gave it to the labor and delivery night nurses. They all wanted to see a baby, so we walked over to the nursery windows and one of the nurses unwrapped a baby and showed them. Lots of "awwwws."

I had gotten an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, which was YUMMY. I turned the little refrigerator down all the way and put the remaining cake in it. It was pretty soft by this morning, but we brought it home.

Thomas thought initially that I had gotten my own room, and that they would have this room all to themselves. Not happening, my friend. "That's awkward," he said. "Then we won't be able to talk about stuff." Translation: we won't be able to swear when we mess up on Xbox??
Our room was but a few steps away from a really nice lounge area, complete with a big comfy chair and ottoman. I had my book and that is where I spent most of my time while the boys were in the room. It was kind of like a little vacation for me and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The lounge was right next to a railing that overlooked the lobby, so I got to hear all the drunk people from a wedding reception as they were coming and going.
I went back into the room at about 1AM to find Nate already sleeping, and Brice just getting into bed. Thomas and Aron went to bed a few minutes later, so it was a pretty "early" night for them.
They were up at 8:30 for more Xbox. We went down for the "free" breakfast and then they went swimming again until we had to check out at 11:00.
We got home and kicked back for a while. Thomas needed new tennis shoes desperately. Sydney offered to take him. I don't like to shop for shoes with Thomas, because he's soooo picky, so I was thrilled that she offered.
Sydney called me from the mall and said the shoes he wanted were $100, and that "he said he'd pay $20." I put the skids to that. I told them to keep looking. They did and found a pair he really liked for $35. Woo hoo!
Sweethearts that they are, they brought home a lovely Mothers Day gift(s) for me....a candle, a novel, M&M socks, and CHOCOLATE!! Tied to the bag was a "Congratulations" balloon. Sydney said it was congratulations for being such a good mom, and that it was either that or Spider Man. On Friday, Mia, who couldn't wait until Mothers Day, gave me a story she had written, a hand-made card, and a word-search that she had created herself. I lOvE those kids!

1 comment:

michelle said...

That looks like a really fun way to celebrate a birthday!!! I'm glad the kids were good to you on YOUR special day, too!