Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th Fun.

We started out with a great night for Fire in the Sky at Memorial Field. It was a little warm, but not too bad. I decided to get there when the gates opened at 6:30, so we wouldn't have to walk forever to get to the stadium. That was a bit too early. The kids played the carnival games and we ate. It made for a long evening, but we had fun. This was just precious. This little girl had seen other kids walking around with the bears they were giving away to kids who played the carnival games. She told her daddy, "I wanna bear!" Thomas took one of the ones he had won and gave it to her. How sweet is that?
Mia and the bears the kids got from the carnival games.

Thomas playing one of the carnival games.
Mia playing the tic-tac-toe toss game.

Michelle, you'll get a chuckle out of this....Thomas leaned over to me and said, "They should get married." Also, during one of the breaks for the Norm Ruebling band, when they were playing recorded music over the speakers, there was a female singer singing...oh, I don't know...some song. You were walking back toward the stage and I said, "There's Michelle again," to which Mia replied, "Is that her singing?!" Priceless!The band was awesome! They played a lot of older stuff...Steely Dan, Joe Cocker, Stones. I really enjoyed it, but Mia wanted them to play some songs that SHE knew.

It rained twice on us while we were waiting for fireworks. Both times the kids and I took shelter behind the seating, out where the concessions were. Luckily the rain had stopped just in time for the fireworks. It was a great show.
It took us about 20 minutes to get out of the parking lot. We drove home and stopped at McDonald's just before 11. Mia fell asleep on the living room floor right after she finished eating. I headed to bed at about 11:45, but was still awake at 1:15AM when Thomas came in my room complaining of a stomach ache. We laid on my bed and chatted, and then for some reason started quoting lines from Napolean Dynamite and laughing hysterically. Thomas went to bed about 30 minutes or so later. I think the last time I looked at the clock it was 2:30. I was supposed to work today, but got the 5:30AM call offering to stay home, which I agreed to without a moments hesitation.
Getting up at 10AM is WAY better than 5:45AM.

1 comment:

michelle said...

Holy Moly! I can't believe you were going to have to be at work Sunday morning and you were still out partying it up Saturday night! I'm still trying to recover. That was a LATE night for us! It was so much fun seeing you guys!!!