Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's all about me...

at least today it was. Turns out I wasn't needed at work, so I decided to turn today into a "me" day. I tried to go to Columbia Photo to "dream," but turns out they are not open on Sundays. Probably better that way. I stopped at Best Buy first and browsed their cameras/accessories department, but got tired of the same girl asking me "are you finding everything okay?" and having to answer, "I'm just browsing" so I left there empty handed. Probably better that way.

Off to the mall. Ate some Taco Bell first, then I hit Barnes and Noble. I picked up the next book club selection.."Picture Perfect" by one of my favorite authors, Jodi Picoult. I sat in one of the big puffy chairs and started reading it. Soon I was browsing the photography section, bargain books selections....and the next thing I knew, an hour and a half had passed! It was AWESOME. So I purchased the book and then went to wander around the mall for a bit, then got my hair cut.

I had decided that I was going to get a pedicure, so I went to Sky Nails and got BOTH a mani and a pedi. It was only my second pedicure...but OH MY GOSH it was awesome. Lim is my new hero. He gives great pedis. I think I almost went to sleep. I've also decided that I need to do that more often. My fingers and toes are all ready for summer now! It was my first manicure. I know, I know....I need to treat myself to that more often.

I browsed around the mall and stopped at Children's Place. They had graphic tees on sale for $5 and I picked up 6 of them for Mia. She is growing...or I should say her torso is getting longer, and so many of her shirts are getting too short. She doesn't like her tummy to show when she raises her arms. She'll be excited to see them when she comes home tonight.

I ended my mall day at Yankee Candles. Wouldn't normally have gone in there, except they are having a semiannual sale...big candles 2/$25. I talked myself out of getting any and was heading out when I ran into one of Sydney's classmates in the cafe court. She told me she had seen me in Yankee Candles and had a gift card if I wanted it. She won it in the prize drawing at Project Graduation and had already used $40 of the $50 on it and didn't think she'd use it, so I snapped that up and went back to Yankee and got 2 of the big jar candles and only paid $17. What a bargain...thanks to Morgan.

I decided, on the way home, when I realized I had spent 4 hours at the mall and felt great, that it's not the mall that makes you's the mall WITH KIDS!!!

The kids and I packed up and headed to the city park last night for the outdoor movie, "ET." I had stopped and gotten sodas and treats, so we settled ourselves on our blankets with our pillows and watched the movie. Amy and Mary Grace met us there. I was glad we had brought blankets and sweatshirts, as the evening became fairly cool. Lots of people turned out for the movie. I'm hoping they do it again next month.

Oh, and here's something that REALLY ticked me off last night. (I'm pre-menopausal and can do that)....why do people think it's okay to bring their dogs to the outdoor movie??? Would you take your dog to the theater? There was some big golden retriever looking thing that was roaming around amoungst the movie goers, slobbering everywhere...sidling up to people. It had no leash on. Grrrrr. That was me, not the dog. Maybe my displeasure is because I'm SO not a dog person, but I think people should have a little respect for those around them. Geez.

Speaking of kids growing....Thomas has grown 1 1/8 inches since March. I was looking at him the other night, thinking he looked taller and had him stand next to the kitchen door where I have marked their growth on the wall. I guess that's the reason he's sleeping and eating so much....

He's trying out for Columbia Pride soccer team this week. I think he's trying out for MAC soccer as well. Unfortunately, our Ashland based team is disbanding...Coach Tom has decided to retire. We'll miss him so much. What a great influence he's had on our boys. They say "it takes a village" and I'm so glad that we have had Coach Tom in our village. He has taught the boys to be sportsmanlike, respectful gentlemen. We are so lucky to have played on his team for the past 5 years.

1 comment:

michelle said...

Nice! I agree... manis and pedis are THE BEST! I can't believe that's only your first and second! Wow!

I've gotta admit, I'm a little jealous of your day. That sounds like heaven! You work really hard, you deserve every minute of it!